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Nature under Glass by. Susann Haas
Equestrian Collection
Jockey with Red Sleeves H-4 | Brown Horse with Man and Small Dog H | 3 Horse Heads H-35 |
Brown Horse in Stable H-18 | 2 Jockeys, 1 Red, 1 Blue H-72 | Arabian Mother and Foal H-126 |
2 Royal Horses H-151 | Red Jacketed Huntsman with Four Do | 3 Jockeys in Front of Stands H-179 |
2 Huntsman on Brown Horses H-181 | French Horse H-32 | Parole H-157 |
Bordeaux Horse H-321 | Brown Horse with Dog H-230 | Parole H-156 |
Man in Top Hat with Jockey H-211 | Hunt with Many Hounds H-206 | Die Cut Huntsman on Horse H-240 |
Rider with Red Cheeks H-510 | Evan Hanbury H-351 | Die Cut Huntsman with Green Jacket H |
Ralph Larabton and His Hounds H-412 |
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